And they also are asking for this Egyptian accreditation now on the access to go to Tahrir Square. So we were detained by the More (ph) police on the road to Suez, handed over to the secret police for about four hours, who questioned us and told us we couldn't come into town without this Egyptian accreditation.COOPER: So they want Elsa Peretti Open Heart bracelet accreditation, but they're not giving out the accreditation. This wasn't your first run-in with security forces and they haven't always been so polite, right?HIDER: No. Last week I was arrested by the army. I was covering a prison break and the army put a gun to the back of my head, hit me to the ground, kicked me. Even after I explained I'd a journalist and they questioned me for about an hour.
And then last Thursday I was attacked by a mob and just across the river, which we just stopped to talk to people in the street about life, general conditions of how people are surviving and we Elsa Peretti Double Open Heart bangle mobbed and an Egyptian colleague of mine was beaten up by a mob.COOPER: Ivan, when you hear the vice president of Egypt still saying that reporters are part of the problem, that foreigners and reporters are in league with the protestors, are trying to belittle Egypt, they're trying to insult Egypt, which is what he said in the last 24 hours, doesn't that send a message to thugs or gangs or anyone on the street that reporters and foreigners are targets?WATSON: That's right. Tiffany Somerset Bangle it ramps up xenophobia, Anderson, in a country that really depends, a large par of its economy depends on foreign tourism. It seems like a very short-sighted strategy to maintain legitimacy in the face of what is clearly a popular revolution.
And that's why this case of the Google executive, the Egyptian Waed is so interesting, because it took the government nine days -- nine days -- to admit to his family and to the rest of Egypt that he had been in detention when the family had been frantically looking for the man's body in hospitals and trying to figure out whatElsa Peretti Open center cuff had happened to him.And so when he then stepped out on Egyptian television and said that he had been detained, blindfolded for that entire time and all he had been doing is asking for basic human rights, that did send a powerful ripple effect through the country.
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