Baume & Mercier Riviera Mens Quartz Chrono BM-11.Officers


Last year, officials said, they returned about 25 percent of the 5,908 items that ended up at the lost-and-found to their owners. The rest are stored for up to two weeks, then shipped to the sheriff's property warehouse on Bradview Drive, just west of Mather Airport, where they Baume & Mercier CapeLand Quartz Chronograph BM-1 kept for 90 days.After that, if they remain unclaimed, the items are given to charity or auctioned off, with a portion of the proceeds going to the Sheriff's Department.Some electronic items, like digital cameras and laptops, may also end up as investigative tools for detectives.Lee said the office received 4,980 inquiries last year from people seeking their lost belongings.

And for the lucky ones, the lost-and-found is a Baume & Mercier Rivera BM-17 place of reunification with something they thought they would never see again."That's it, I don't believe it," Susan Hart said Tuesday when she leaned over the counter at the door of the lost-and-found office and saw security officer Doyle McNutt with the set of keys she had lost.Attached to a heart-shaped silver key chain was Hart's rainbow-colored house key and a car key to her Hyundai.Hart, a Nevada City resident, flew out of Sacramento International Airport Baume & Mercier Riviera Mens Quartz Chrono BM-10 Seattle on Jan. 14, but she did not realize she did not have her keys until she had returned Tuesday to Sacramento.

When she could not find the keys, panic set in, Hart said. She called the Seattle hotel where she had stayed but was told they weren't there. She was about to call her husband and ask him to drive from Nevada City to pick her up when she decided to check with the airport's lost-and-Baume & Mercier Riviera Mens Quartz Chrono BM-11.Officers said the best part about their jobs is reuniting items -- especially those with sentimental value -- with their owners.About two years ago, Yee returned an angel broach to a woman who told him that the item was a family heirloom.

Par hongxiazhang le jeudi 27 janvier 2011


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